Business issues

Business issues | Providing the necessary legal solutions to issues that arise in the context of commercial activities with competitors and suppliers, and the resulting judicial disputes in order to settle them in accordance with the provisions of the Saudi system.

1. Commercial Disputes:
Representation before commercial courts to resolve disputes that arise in the course of commercial activity with suppliers or competing merchants and obtain and implement the necessary judgments.

2. Opening of procedural settlement procedures:
Reorganizing bankruptcy and preventive settlement procedures, and financial reorganization in the event that there is no opportunity for the debtor to continue the activity. We can also settle and reorganize again according to the bankruptcy system and create opportunities for the debtor to continue to practice the activity.

3. Approval of procedural settlement procedures:
We can request a reduction of the payment order, settlement approval, clearance request, etc. We rely on the presence of a distinguished group of lawyers with experience in requesting settlements and financial clearance, and we have many judicial precedents in this field.

4. Financial Reorganization:
We can restructure the financial organization of the defaulter in his business activity, with the aim of easing the obstacles towards an agreement between the debtor and his creditors under the faithful supervision of the court. Also, we resolve all disputes against this business.

5. Administrative liquidation:
As part of the liquidation procedures, we take a set of operations aimed at ending the company’s business and settling all its rights and obligations by fulfilling its rights from third parties and approving the administrative liquidation against it.

6. Accounting issues between partners:
Filing lawsuits claiming a statement of the plaintiff’s entitlement to the profits and at the same time appointing a manager for the common money to maintain it, which is a lawsuit that can be proven by admission, intention or writing.

7. Claiming rights resulting from implementation contracts between companies:
Instituting lawsuits and disputes resulting from damage to a company resulting from a breach of a legal clause in the implementation contracts by contractors or suppliers.

8. Commercial Fraud:
Through us, any company or institution can detect commercial fraud quickly, which facilitates the process of restoring rights and consumer protection. We also defend any company or institution before the competent authority that claims commercial fraud. Here we do not fail to mention that commercial fraud, concealing the true nature of the goods by changing them materially until they become something else, and displaying them without their true appearance, has become widespread and harmful to the commercial movement.

9. Brands:
We issue trademarks that have become essential to distinguish between products to help the consumer choose the original product over the imitator. The trademark is considered one of the most important tools for protection against counterfeiting, as it plays the role of an identification card for the product, which helps prevent it from being imitated or forging its trademark. We have released hundreds of these brands that are in the market these days.

10. Proof of Partnership:
The office establishes evidence of the partnership incident and proves it by the methods specified by the system in front of the competent authorities in various ways of proof through commercial lawsuits or through legal contracts that we work on professionally in a manner that does not harm the interest of all parties.

11. Intellectual property and patents:
Filing intellectual property lawsuits that we define as creations of the mind from inventions and literary and artistic works, which are the right of the author and he has the right to protect them from others before the competent authorities.

12. Incorporation of companies and institutions:
We are working on establishing companies of all kinds, completing and publicizing the incorporation procedures, as well as major institutions and organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit.

13. Foreign Investment:
We help and contribute to all economic activities agreed upon by countries in order to advance their economy and achieve development. Foreign investment is considered one of the most important tools of encouragement for developing countries to engage in investment, and it is one of the basic mechanisms that play an important role in changing the course of international economic relations. And we do everything that this sector needs through a cadre characterized by extensive experience in this field, since the establishment of the General Investment Authority (SAGIA). We have established more than 1,000 companies within the foreign investment system inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether these companies are foreign or mixed companies or branches of international companies.

14. Issuance of commercial and industrial licenses:
We issue all commercial, industrial and professional licenses from the competent authorities, complete their requirements and establish the documentary base for the license according to which the natural or legal person is granted permission to engage in activity in the commercial or industrial fields or other professions.

15. Supply contracts:
In this context, we conclude contracts and agreements between entities, individuals, or one of the concerned parties in order to supply necessary movables for a public utility in exchange for a certain price, such as goods and foodstuffs, and follow up on these relationships and oblige them in court.